Sarah Ford | May 23, 2014
Video: Annual Meeting Message from Steve Delfin, America’s Charities President & CEO
We are experiencing an interesting time in the nonprofit sector. We hear the phrase “scarcity of resources” thrown around a lot. It doesn’t mean philanthropy can’t continue to grow, but certainly how the money is going to be allocated, where it’s going to come from and the way in which charities will receive it is definitely going to change.
In this video clip from the 2014 Membership Assembly, America’s Charities President & CEO, Steve Delfin, shares updates and insights on private sector workplace giving, implications of changes to the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the state of the nonprofit industry, and a rising tide of expectations from donors inside and outside the walls of the workplace.
Steve’s message at Membership Assembly 2014 was followed by a day full of panel discussions around these topics. To watch more videos from Membership Assembly 2014, click here.
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