Sarah Ford | April 8, 2015
Asking the Right Questions is the Most Important Step on the Path to Impact
By Wendy Watson-Hallowell
From Board Members to Grants Managers to employees, impact is on everyone’s minds. Over and over, we hear the following from Executives, Program Officers and Grants Managers:
We’re expected to understand how to achieve results, increase them, report on them, and ensure they are aligned with our business priorities.
This year, we have to start tracking and communicating our impact.
We can get clear results from some grants, but it’s not easy for others.
How can we tell if our funding is making a difference?
So what is holding so many organizations back from getting to impact?
For many, it’s simply too overwhelming. They don’t know where to start, what questions to ask, or what infrastructure is required to define and track results. While not a trivial undertaking, with the right focus and approach, getting to impact can be within reach for almost any organization.
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