Read about causes and nonprofit impact, and stay up-to-date on topics important for corporate social responsibility and employee engagement professionals, including disaster response, workplace giving, matching gifts, employee assistance funds, volunteering, scholarship award program management, grantmaking, and other philanthropic initiatives.
Crafting Successful Charity Eligibility Guidelines for Your Corporate Matching Program
Corporate matching programs are powerful tools for amplifying the impact of employee charitable donations. They allow employees to contribute to nonprofit organizations of their choice,…
Read ArticleHow to Administer an Employee Assistance Fund (EAF)
64% of employees cite money issues as a significant source of stress, according to the American Psychological Association. Often times that stress can be a result…
Read ArticleNational Down Syndrome Society named 2014 Brand of the Year Harris Poll EquiTrend recognizes organization as Disability Non-Profit
The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) has been recognized as the Brand of the Year by Harris Poll EquiTrend. EquiTrend is an annual study that…
Read ArticleHow the Down Syndrome Community Sugarcoats Difficult Realities About the Condition
By David Perry Thirty years ago, Ronald Reagan declared October Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Ever since, too many efforts at awareness have relied on pictures of people…
Read ArticlePeople With Down Syndrome Are Pioneers in Alzheimer’s Research
By Jon Hamilton When researchers at the University of California, San Diego wanted to study an experimental Alzheimer’s drug last year, they sought help from an unlikely…
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