News + Views From The Nonprofit World

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Corporate Philanthropy is Good for Business

April 11, 2011

What if corporate leaders thought more like Bill Gates, a leading philanthropist and founder of Microsoft, who once said, “As we look ahead into the…

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Helping Out: Gaylord Giving targets food, education programs

April 11, 2011

Corporate philanthropy is one of our business essentials and not just a temporary business initiative. When we think about giving back to the community, we…

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Investing in Impact: Combining Social and Financial Returns

April 11, 2011

Social impact investing — a concept frequently raised but not clearly defined or understood — presents a compelling opportunity for foundations and philanthropists to maximize…

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Feeding America’s “Pound-for-Pound” Challenge

April 11, 2011

NBC’s “The Biggest Loser: Couples,” General Mills, SUBWAY® and Feeding America are partnering on the Pound For Pound Challenge, a national initiative encouraging Americans to…

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Avoid Charity Scams

April 8, 2011

Some helpful tips from Ken Berger, CEO of Charity Navigator, on how to avoid charity scams.   As Evelyn Young was leaving the Kmart in…

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GuideStar’s New Strategy

April 8, 2011

This is a guest post by Bob Ottenhoff, CEO of GuideStar. GuideStar recently announced they have acquired innovative startups Social Actions and Philanthropedia. We asked…

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The Latest from the Humane Society’s Efforts in Japan

April 7, 2011

Having completed their impact assessments, provided crucial training and support to Japanese responders, and helped to foster a unified command approach, the first group of…

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Giving for Japan Disaster Now Totals More Than $136-Million

March 22, 2011

March 21, 2011 Giving for Japan Disaster Now Totals More Than $136-MillionBy Caroline Preston and Nicole Wallace Ten days after the devastating earthquake and tsunamis…

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Could IBM’s Watson Computer Aid the Work of Nonprofits?

March 1, 2011

Watson, the IBM super computer, last week beat out two of Jeopardy’s most successful contestants on the television game show. Now officials at IBM are…

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Washington Feds Raise Record Amount in 2010 for Charity

February 17, 2011

Federal employees from the Washington area gave a record amount of money in 2010 to charity, the local chapter of the Combined Federal Campaign announced…

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Nonprofits Brace for Obama’s 2012 Budget

February 14, 2011

By Suzanne Perry, The Chronicle of Philanthropy Many nonprofit advocates expect bad news when President Obama unveils his fiscal 2012 budget on Monday. The president…

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Don’t Dismiss Federal Employees, the Nation’s Most Charitable Workforce

February 14, 2011

My dad was a career civil servant who spent more than 40 years in the federal government. He was highly educated, dedicated, and hard working.…

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