charitiesadmin | November 17, 2010
PledgeFirst Gives Employers Branded, Customized Workplace Giving Campaigns
Workplace giving campaigns are a great way to engage employees and help the community. And, there are many ways for a company to present a workplace giving campaign. The important thing to remember: It’s your campaign – the company’s and its employees. And you should have control over the look and feel, content, and charities presented.
A branded, customized workplace giving program, demonstrates to employees your company’s commitment to their communities and the causes they support. And it’s easy to present, with PledgeFirst.
The branding is seamless, outside and in. Your logo and messaging are easily uploaded, as well as graphics, photos, stories, and other content.
After logging in, employees can find their favorite charities, using the “Browse Charities” tab, or the Charity Search.
The “Browse Charities” tab gives a full alphabetical listing of all participating charities. Tools on the home page allow the employee to refine their search by keywords, phrases, groups, or areas of interest.
A search returns a range of charities, ranked by extent of keyword usage.
Employees will find charities they know and can trust. America’s Charities removes all of the administrative burden and does all the background work to make sure all listed organizations are eligible under US law, and that they meet the criteria of the USA PATRIOT Act.
When the charity name is clicked, contact information, charity description and website link are provided.
PledgeFirst presents several methods to allow employees to support their favorite charities, including recurring payroll deduction, one-time payroll deduction, one-time or recurring credit card, vacation hours, and stocks and securities.
Each of these methods may be turned off or on for the campaign, at the discretion of the employer.
Now, in a single transaction, an employee can support as many charities as they have chosen, by as many different means as have been made available. And, each employee always has access to a complete record, including printable receipt, of which charities they have supported.
Employees can also elect to:
* Receive a letter of gift acknowledgement from their charities, for their records.
* Receive quarterly email updates, detailing the distribution of their recurring gifts.
* Make a gift in honor or another.
Workplace giving campaigns are the most cost effective, low impact ways to support charities. And conducting a branded, customized campaign presents measurable benefits to the company.
To learn more about our corporate solutions, click here to contact us or contact Kimberly Young at (800) 458-9505 extension 5358.
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