5 Key Steps to Starting an Employee Volunteer Program


Employee volunteer and skills giving programs have steadily shifted towards the center of many company’s social responsibility initiatives over the last decade, with 92% of large companies offering opportunities (up from 68% two years prior).

More than ever, charities are better positioned and interested in partnering with companies and engaging with corporate employees.  However, as a survey respondent stated in America’s Charities Snapshot Nonprofit Research: Rising Tide of Expectations:

“Companies shouldn’t look at their work with nonprofits as transactional events but rather as building a relationship with a trusted ‘go to’ partner that is working to achieve mutual goals.” 

Through employee volunteer and skills giving programs, companies and their employees have the opportunity to strengthen nonprofit capacity and efficiency and form truly strategic relationships that bring value to everyone involved. 

Where should your company even start, and how can you be sure your employees will participate in your program?

This guide will:

  • Describe what employee volunteer and skills giving programs entail,
  • Provide questions you will need to consider before you start your program, and
  • Present solutions to help you get started.

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