Sarah Ford | June 6, 2014

You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression

We have all heard this expression about first impressions, and like it or not, it is true.  Especially in an interview setting. 

Since 2001, Dress for Success Boston has been solving the “Catch-22” that confronts disadvantaged women trying to enter the wokforce:  without a job, how can you afford a suit?  But without a suit, how can you go on an interview?

Diana* knows this situation all too well.  A victim of domestic violence for “too many years”, as she says, Diana never had a job.  Her husband would not allow it.  When she finally was able to gather the strength and courage to leave her spouse, Diana only had the clothes on her back.  She had no formal education or work experience, but she was determined to get a job so she could support herself and her children.  Diana completed a computer training course, and was ready to seek employment.  Since Diana was still living in a shelter with her children, her wardrobe was very limited.  She came to Dress for Success Boston because, as she said, “I feel ready to get a job, but I do not look ready.  I am smart enough to know that I just cannot get a job looking like this”.  So, our volunteer stylists found a beautiful gray pant suit with a burgundy blouse that fit Diana perfectly and made her look very professional and polished.  Diana looked in the mirror and said, “Now I am ready!”.  And she was ready:  Diana is now working, and is on her way to a life of economic self sufficiency.

It is the generosity of individual donors, wich allows Dress for Success Worldwide and its local affiliates like Dress for Success Boston to continue helping women like Diana as they embark on the path to financial independence.

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>> Support Dress for Success Boston


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