America's Charities | September 16, 2020

World Contraception Day is September 26th

Fourteen years ago, September 26th was declared as World Contraception Day, where organizations commit to eliminating unmet need and unintended pregnancies. According to Population Connection, 214 million women wish to avoid pregnancy but have an unmet need for contraception. In the United States, 45% of pregnancies are unintended; of those unintended pregnancies, 58% (1.6 million) result in births. World Contraception Day improves awareness of contraception to educate and empower young people. 

In recognition of World Contraception Day America’s Charities is celebrating the following agents of change who we are proud to call our members.

One of the most cost-efficient ways you can support these nonprofits is to donate to them via payroll deduction through your employer’s workplace giving program (Don’t have a program? Click here to have your employer contact our team.) Click on each charity’s name below to learn more about their work, and to make a donation now!

Population Connection

Population Connection is America’s progressive grassroots organization that seeks to stabilize global population. They educate, inform, and inspire Americans to support voluntary methods to achieve global population stabilization–especially through funding for domestic and international family planning programs. They train teachers, motivate activists, and demonstrate to federal policymakers that there is a vital constituency demanding action on this issue. Click here to learn more about their work.

International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF WHR)

The Federation provides access to sexual and reproductive health information and services for all, especially the poor and marginalized. They work to defend the right of all young people to have sexual lives free from ill-health, unwanted pregnancy, violence, and discrimination. Their work helps couples plan their families, educates young people on how to protect themselves from HIV, STIs, and unintended pregnancies, and provides all people with the information and services they need to take control of their own sexual and reproductive lives. Click here to learn more.

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