Sarah Ford | May 28, 2014
What To Do When Your Corporate-Nonprofit Relationship Just Isn’t Working
So what do you do when your corporate-nonprofit relationship isn’t working? Perhaps you were overcommitting or they were overcommitting and certain deliverables aren’t being delivered, or aren’t what you expected. Or maybe this is one of those “learn and build” situations where you learn this lesson and use it to improve your relationship moving forward. Or maybe, it’s just not a good fit and both parties need to stop forcing the relationship.
In this video clip, Emily Simone, Director of Community Relations for Lockheed Martin, Steve Greenhalgh, Senior Advisor at America’s Charities, Tom Watson, President and Founder of CauseWired, and Perla Ni, CEO of, draw on their experiences to answer this question at America’s Charities’ April 24th Giving Under The Influence Symposium in Washington, D.C. The discussion was geared to an audience of corporate social responsibility and nonprofit leaders attending the event.
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