Sarah Ford | June 18, 2014
Volunteer Opportunities Help Employers Attract Talent, Report Says
By Megan O’Neil
Well-articulated company policies on giving and volunteerism help employers attract and retain young talent, according to a new survey.
The 2014 Millennial Impact Report by Achieve, a consulting firm, surveyed 1,500 employed millennials—people between the ages of 20 and 34. About a third of respondents said that their companies’ volunteer policies affected their decision to apply for a job, 39 percent said that it influenced their decision to interview, and 55 percent said that such policies played into their decision to accept an offer.
“We are seeing much more of this work-life blending model where millennials are blending who they are, what they do, what they stand for, and the causes and things they care about into the workplace,” says Derrick Feldmann, president of Achieve.
The survey was sponsored by the Case Foundation and builds on four years of research. While past reports focused on how millennials engage directly in causes, the present research, which continues, takes a different direction. Tagged “Inspiring the Next Generation Workforce,” the report released today centers on the intersection of millennials, their employers, and employer-driven volunteer work, including how such work can help attract and retain talent.
Employers in sectors in which competition for qualified candidates is ferocious, such as technology, can differentiate themselves by communicating volunteer and giving opportunities during the recruitment and interview process.
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