Sarah Ford | July 10, 2015
Volunteer Engagement 2.0 Author Spotlight: Aria Finger,
VolunteerMatch’s new book, Volunteer Engagement 2.0: Ideas and Insights Changing the World, features chapters from 35 experts in the field of volunteer engagement. In this series of blog posts, get to know these #35experts and their areas of expertise.
Today’s expert: Aria Finger, CEO, and President, TMI Agency.
First of all, why is your topic, Engaging Millennials and Younger Volunteers, important?
For one, teens and millennials are the future donors for all organizations. As many organizations have an aging donor base, they might dismiss teens and younger millennials since they don’t have the capacity to give. Now is a fantastic time to engage these younger folks as volunteers because: A.) they might have skills that older volunteers lack and B.) you will build a future donor pipeline that will pay off for years to come.
Explain your background on this topic.
I’m lucky because I get to steal all of my expertise from – one of the largest organizations for young people and social impact in the world.
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