Sarah Ford | May 22, 2014

Videos: A Focus on the “Overhead Myth”, Charity Validators and Rising Expectations

From Session 1 of Membership Assembly 2014

Charities face a rising tide of expectations from corporate and employee donors, while maintaining these corporate partnerships is a challenge. At the same time, the digital era is leading to demands for more accountability, transparency and engagement that can be difficult for nonprofits to respond to. 

This panel discussion focused on the “Overhead Myth” that encourage donors “to pay attention to other factors of nonprofit performance: transparency, governance, leadership and results,” instead of a sole focus on how much the charities spend on overhead. Panelists discussed the rising expectations of donors and growing importance of charity validators such as BBB Wise Giving Alliance, Charting Impact, GuideStar, and GreatNonprofits.  Additionally, key findings of America’s Charities Snapshot 2014 report (released on April 24 at the National Press Club) were presented.

Below are video clips from the 2014 Membership Assembly panel discussion, along with panelist responses to questions from the audience. To watch more videos from Membership Assembly 2014, click here.

Panelists included: 

  • Tara Verner, Vice President Marketing, GreatNonprofits
  • Lindsay Nichols, Senior Director of Marketing & Communications, GuideStar
  • Art Taylor, President and CEO, BBB Wise Giving Alliance
  • Steve Greenhalgh, Senior Advisor, America’s Charities


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