Sarah Ford | March 2, 2015

Use Direct Mail to Feature Matching Gifts to Donors

Some donors don’t respond to the internet, and others simply prefer a good, old fashioned letter. Many people who make major donations are older and less technologically savvy than the young people who haven’t yet struck their fortunes and aren’t inclined to give. An older generation of donors (and many young donors) still reads through their snail mail, and direct mail is how to reach them.

In fact organizations still raise a substantial percentage of their overall funds (often 60-80%) through direct mail.

Letters, postcards, paper inserts, newsletters, and return envelopes are your options for thanking donors and making both annual and major gift appeals. Each type of direct mail piece has its place in the matching gift donation cycle (read the Nonprofit’s Guide to Matching Gifts here), and they’ll all help you to reach that vital segment of donors who either don’t use / don’t frequent email or respond to direct mail at a much higher rate.

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