Sarah Ford | June 7, 2013

Urge Congress to Crack Down on Puppy Mills

Until every dog in need has a loving family, The Humane Society of The United States is leading the fight against puppy mills. Will you join the fight?

Puppy mills are factories — cruel commercial breeding facilities that churn out puppies for profit, failing to give them even routine veterinary care. Hundreds of thousands of people unwittingly buy puppy mill dogs every year — all while three to four million “unwanted” dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters.

In the past five years alone, The Humane Society of the United States has helped pass more than 35 new state laws to protect dogs in puppy mills. The HSUS has also assisted law enforcement in shutting down more than 50 puppy mills, and their Animal Rescue Team has rescued nearly 10,000 dogs from these cruel mass-breeding facilities.

Fortunately, legislation to crack down on puppy mills has been reintroduced in Congress. The PUPS Act, S. 395/H.R. 847, will close a loophole in the Animal Welfare Act regulations that currently allows puppy mills to sell dogs over the Internet without any oversight or standards of care.

This is an important step to helping improve the lives of thousands of dogs, but The Humane Society of The United States needs your help.  Join the fight to stop puppy mills by taking action today. 

Take Action Now!

Using the messaging provided below and filling in your information into the form, send your message now to urge legislators to support and co-sponsor the PUPS Act, S. 395/H.R. 847.

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