Sarah Ford | December 12, 2013
Thurgood Marshall College Fund helps HBCU grads establish careers
TMCF provides scholarships and connects students with jobs. OFC helps launch entrepreneurs
By Christine Heinrichs
Senior Contributing Editor
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) has been providing scholarships and job placement help to students at public historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) for almost thirty years. Now TMCF has extended its programs to help innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs. In August, TMCF acquired the Opportunity Funding Corporation (OFC), making it a division of the larger organization.
“Our focus for the last twenty-five years has been on getting jobs for our graduates with the government or large private employers,” says Johnny Taylor, TMCF’s CEO. “There’s nothing wrong with that, but we were missing the opportunity to start creating job creators. The engine of the American economy is small and middle-sized businesses. OFC takes up the challenge of fixing that, particularly in the African American community.”
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