Sarah Ford | May 20, 2014

Support Legislation to End Cosmetics Testing on Animals

You may be blinding a bunny without even knowing it if you use shampoo, moisturizer, or any another cosmetic that’s been tested on animals. The Humane Cosmetics Act will make animal testing for cosmetics a thing of the past, and you’ll be able to use products without the worry.

H.R. 4148 prohibits animal testing for cosmetics manufactured or sold in the U.S., ending painful tests that rabbits, mice, rats, and guinea pigs endure to assess the safety of cosmetics. Humane and safe cosmetics can be made using the thousands of existing ingredients, and several non-animal safety tests are already available for new ingredients. These non-animal alternatives can be cheaper, faster, and more relevant to humans, and therefore more reliable at predicting safety. Help make animal testing of cosmetics in the U.S. a thing of the past — just like in the European Union and Israel, where cosmetics animal testing has already been phased out.

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