Sarah Ford | April 28, 2014

Study: Donors Want Workplace Giving Accountability

As workplace giving campaigns in the United States continue to grow more sophisticated, a new study by America’s Charities showed that many nonprofits are feeling pressure from their corporate partners to show more accountability when it comes to results measurement.

“Snapshot 2014: A Rising Tide of Expectations” surveyed people at 240 organizations across the country and asked questions about their partnerships and employee giving campaigns at major corporations. While the study found many alignments between the expectations of both employers and charities, there were also significant gaps.

“Corporations, employee donors and the public expect charities to demonstrate greater accountability, transparency, and evidence that their work is making a significant, measurable impact,” said America’s Charities President & CEO Steve Delfin. “Charities that can evolve in this age of the democratization of charitable information will be in the best position to thrive and succeed.”

Nearly 61 percent of respondents indicated they were feeling increased pressure from corporate partners and individual donors to be more accountable when it came to impact and measureable results. These expectations have roots in many areas, but according to 68 percent respondents, the biggest culprit is a digital culture that places more emphasis on analytics.

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