Sarah Ford | October 28, 2014
Students set to break social barriers during National Mix It Up at Lunch Day
An estimated 1 million students across the country will step out of their cliques and challenge stereotypes today as part of National Mix It Up at Lunch Day – an event designed to foster respect among students by asking them to sit with someone new at lunch for just one day.
The program, launched by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance project in 2002, is designed to help educators create schools where students see each other as individuals – not just members of separate groups. Breaking down these barriers can help reduce bullying and create a school that is safe and welcoming for all students.
“Each year we hear from teachers and students across the country about the positive impact of Mix It Up,” said Maureen Costello, Teaching Tolerance director. “More and more students are discovering how much they have in common with their classmates.”
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