Sarah Ford | May 11, 2015

Show Your Support This Police Week By Saying Thanks With This MADD E-Card

This week is National Police Week, and we hope you’ll join us in thanking the officers who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe on the roadways.

Their sacrifices often go unnoticed… but today, we’re saying ‘thank you’ to these brave heroes. Click here to show your gratitude by signing your name on a special e-card that Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) will present to law enforcement at the end of National Police Week.

High-visibility law enforcement plays a huge role in the fight to end drunk driving. Techniques such as sobriety checkpoints and impaired driving crackdowns have been proven to reduce drunk driving deaths by 20%.

The men and women who enforce these measures put themselves in danger every day to keep us safe. And sometimes they pay the ultimate price—more than 40% of officers killed in the line of duty are killed in traffic crashes. But despite the risk, these heroes make the sacrifice—and make a real difference.

Thank you for showing your support to the brave men and women who protect us every day.

>> Sign the E-Card

>> Support MADD’s Mission

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