Julie A. Palm | May 15, 2018
The power of good deeds: The bedding industry’s time-honored tradition of charitable giving
After a series of strong hurricanes hit Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico in quick succession last summer, mattress suppliers, manufacturers and retailers rushed to raise money for victims and donate supplies—everything from much-needed bottled water and toiletries to the products the donors know best: mattresses, pillows and linens. One of the quickest responders was Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, the owner of Houston-based Gallery Furniture, who opened his stores as temporary shelters for displaced residents, an act that turned the well-known local philanthropist into something of a national hero.
The sleep products industry’s response was notable at the time because the scale of the disasters was so large, but the outpouring of help wasn’t unusual. The industry has a reputation for giving back, whether in response to natural disasters or as part of ongoing partnerships to combat problems like homelessness or support research into specific diseases. To wit: After Hurricane Harvey struck Texas, BedTimes devoted two pages to industry efforts to help victims, but in virtually every issue of the magazine, we report on good deeds.
Whether you’d like to continue your company’s long history of charitable giving or would like to start a new effort, we’ll tell you about trends in corporate philanthropy, outline some best practices, and offer a host of other ideas and resources.
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