America's Charities | April 8, 2024

This Place Matters: How to Celebrate Preservation Month This May

Established by America’s Charities’ member, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, in 1973, Preservation Month has become a month long event celebrated in May each year by local preservation groups, State historical societies, and business and civic organizations across the country. Thousands of people participate in this event annually by holding events that promote the social and economic benefits of preserving historic places, and celebrate the diverse and unique heritage of our country’s cities and states.

Two Ways to Join Us This #PreservationMonth:

  1. Sign the pledge to save the Tidal Basin: Featuring famous memorials to Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, along with its famous cherry trees that attract about 1.5 million people each spring during the Cherry Blossom Festival, the Tidal Basin is an American icon. Unfortunately, because of silt and water from rising sea levels, this incredible landmark is under threat. Click here to take the pledge and help National Trust for Historic Preservation save this historic place.
  2. Celebrate places you love with #ThisPlaceMatters: Do you have a place that is especially important to you; a place you really care about? This Place Matters is a national campaign that encourages people to celebrate the places that are meaningful to them and to their communities. The National Trust wants to help you shine a spotlight on all the special places that matter to you – and they’ve made it fun and easy to do! Click here for toolkits, merchandise, and steps you can take to join the #ThisPlaceMatters campaign.

Want to do even more to help preserve and save historic places?

All year round, the National Trust for Historic Preservation is committed to protecting America’s rich cultural legacy and helping build vibrant, sustainable communities that reflect our nation’s diversity. One of the most cost-efficient ways you can help the National Trust for Historic Preservation is to donate to them through your employer’s workplace giving program Don’t have a program? Click here to have your employer contact our team, and click here to learn more about what employee workplace giving is and how it works.

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