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SPLC Hatewatch: Miller’s Crossing

June 17, 2014

MARIONVILLE, Mo. – The troubled Miller boys are buried side-by-side, a few yards from the two-lane blacktop that cuts through the middle of the cemetery…

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Investigation finds Alabama prison system violates federal law, fails to provide adequate medical care

June 10, 2014

An investigation by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) has concluded that Alabama’s overcrowded prison system is breaking federal…

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Stories from the field: Teaching Experience Highlights Inequality in Florida School System

June 2, 2014

By Amir Whitaker My Monday morning routine begins as a group of rambunctious 11th-graders shuffle into their desks at one of Miami’s largest high schools.…

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SPLC Intelligence Report: Deadly radical-right violence examined

May 27, 2014

In the wake of a neo-Nazi’s deadly attack at Jewish facilities in Kansas last month, the new issue of the SPLC Intelligence Report explores the white supremacist…

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SPLC uncovers deplorable conditions at Alabama jail, urges Department of Justice to investigate

May 21, 2014

The 17-year-old boy thought he might pass out. He had been sleeping on the floor of his overcrowded cell when four adult detainees attacked him.…

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SPLC report: Extremist propaganda is distorting the debate over the Common Core State Standards

May 12, 2014

The fierce grassroots campaign threatening to derail the Common Core State Standards is being fueled by far-right propaganda that relies heavily on distortions, outright falsehoods…

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Federal judge orders extension of settlement agreement addressing abusive conditions at Mississippi youth facility

May 6, 2014

A federal judge has held Hinds County, Miss., officials in contempt of court for failing to comply with a 2012 settlement agreement addressing abusive conditions…

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SPLC Files Federal Safety Complaint Against Alabama Poultry Plant for Dangerous Conditions

April 29, 2014

Beatriz Navedo began to feel dizzy as she worked a processing line at the Wayne Farms poultry plant. As the line zipped by, her chest…

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Stories from the field: Alabama’s school ‘choice’ law offers no real choice for many disadvantaged children

April 23, 2014

Source: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)   By Kristen Anderson   When I accepted a position as a community outreach advocate with the Southern Poverty…

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Stories from the field: Alabama city operates modern-day ‘debtors’ prison’

April 23, 2014

Source: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) By Jacob Denney I was preparing to leave the municipal courtroom in Montgomery, Ala., when the bailiff announced that…

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Stories from the field: SPLC ensures Head Start opportunities for Latino children in Louisiana

April 23, 2014

Source: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) By Jennifer Coco As a parent, Maria* believed it was important for her 2-year-old daughter, Cristina, to attend Head…

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Teaching Tolerance Blog

April 23, 2014
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