Sarah Ford | January 14, 2014

Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Kicks-off 20th Anniversary With Record-breaking $6.5 Million in Research Grants

Source: Ovarian Cancer Research Fund

OCRF is pleased to kick off their 20th anniversary with $6.5 million in research grants awarded to 22 scientists at leading medical institutions across the country.

The 22 research grants awarded to 17 institutions include 12 new Ann Schreiber Mentored Investigator Awards to bright young ovarian cancer researchers, nearly doubling the amount awarded in this grant category last year. By funding scientists just starting their careers as well as more senior investigators, OCRF efficiently enhances the breadth and depth of ovarian cancer research in the United States.

“This is the most outstanding portfolio of grants in the history of OCRF,” says Jeff Boyd, Ph.D., OCRF’s Scientific Advisory Committee Chair and Board Member, and Senior Vice President, Molecular Medicine at Fox Chase Cancer Center. “These grants focus on a variety of areas, such as factors increasing cancer risk, new approaches to treatment, understanding basic processes of cells and molecular biology, genetics, and strategies to overcome resistance to chemotherapy.”

Proposals were evaluated through intensive peer review by OCRF’s Scientific Advisory Committee, who aim to fund the very best science. The research projects funded through OCRF’s 2014 grants – and the scientists leading them – represent the present and future of ovarian cancer research.  

To date, OCRF has invested over $57 million in the fight to change the future of ovarian cancer, awarding 217 research grants to scientists at 65 leading medical centers in the United States. 

>> Learn about OCRF’s 2014 grantees and their promising research.

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