National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) | May 14, 2018

National Black Child Development Week 2018: The Movement to “Deliver on the Promise” Continues

For more than 40 years, the National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) has been at the forefront of engaging national and local leaders, policymakers, educators, and parents around critical and timely issues that directly impact Black children and families.

Founded on the heels of the Civil Rights Movement, NBCDI remains committed to our mission to improve and advance the quality of life for Black children and families through education and advocacy. Annually, NBCDI leads National Black Child Development Week (NBCDW), a time of national awareness, collective action, and community mobilization focused on the strengths and resiliency of Black children and the most critical issues of the day.

During National Black Child Development Week 2018, NBCDI, with our National Affiliate Network and national partners, will mobilize to end the preschool-to-prison pipeline. Nearly 250 preschool students are suspended or expelled from school each day nationwide. Black children in preschool are nearly four times as likely as White children to be disciplined through school suspensions or expulsions. The social-emotional impact and missed instructional time has a demonstrative impact on the development of Black children.

Research also shows suspensions and expulsions for young children lead to children experiencing: less engagement and connection with peers and teachers; more disciplinary action; higher rates of dropout or fail out in high school; and higher rates of incarceration.

We invite you, your family and friends to join us for National Black Child Development Week 2018, May 14 – 19. Our theme, “The Movement Continues,” aligns with the theme of our campaign to end suspensions and expulsions in early childhood education, “Delivering on the Promise.”  Join us online via Twitter @NBCDI, on Facebook, for webinars at, or in person at one of our local “Delivering on the Promise” Community of Practice convenings or at one of our 20 local “Community Day of Action” events.

Each day offers an exciting way to get involved:

Monday, May 14

“Delivering on the Promise” National Partners Launch:

Purging the Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline

Engage with us on social media @NBCDI and #NBCDW18 as we engage in a public discussion about purging the preschool-to-prison pipeline.

Tuesday, May 15 & Wednesday, May 16

“Delivering on the Promise” National Days of Action

Attend a local “Delivering on the Promise” event in your community.

To attend a local event or learn more, email

Thursday, May 17

NBCDI Think Babies™ Webinar: Supporting Black Students Early and Often

For more information or to join the webinar, visit

Friday, May 18

Strengthening Our Schools and Communities

Engage with us on social media @NBCDI and #NBCDW18.

Saturday, May 19

NBCDI Affiliate Community Day of Action

To learn more or join a “Community Day of Action” in your area, email

Our work continues beyond National Black Child Development Week, to learn more about us, stay connected, and volunteer in your local community, join our mailing list or visit

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