America's Charities | December 8, 2016

Mutiplying the Digital Impact of Nonprofits

America's Charities partners with Whole Whale to Help Nonprofits Build a Data Culture

America’s Charities has teamed up with Whole Whale to offer an exclusive discount for members of America’s Charities that will help members build a data culture to multiply digital impact and make more informed decisions that contribute to their nonprofit’s growth and success.

The Whole Whale strategy is about looking at a nonprofit’s resources in a different way — the way Inuit looked at each part of a whale. It is about leveraging existing resources to say, “What else can this do for us”?

By asking, “What do the data say?” Whole Whale capitalizes on existing resources and builds a ‘Data Culture’ within every organization they work with. They take a holistic approach and tailor their services to the unique needs of each client. Whether that’s data analysis, digital strategy, web development, or training, Whole Whale helps nonprofits reach their goals and build their own capacity. They help nonprofits do more of what matters.

Whole Whale University

Whole Whale has created online courses on digital topics that will help you amplify the awesome work your organization is doing. To date, Whole Whale University has had over 500 students go through their courses. Now, America’s Charities’ members will gain access to all of these incredible digital training courses for free — a $450 value!

Currently, Whole Whale University offers three courses:

Google AdWords Grant for Nonprofits:

  • Qualify and apply for the Google AdWords Grant for nonprofits
  • Manage and maximize a Google AdWords Grant ($10k per month)
  • Practically find and analyze keywords that drive impactful traffic
  • Analyze AdWords traffic in Google Analytics
  • Configure Google Analytics to track real goals on the website

Be Your Own Social Media Guru:

  • Determine how social media supports the mission of your organization
  • Gain an understanding of YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter and the key principles behind them
  • Learn how to make sense of data from Google Analytics and social media insight platforms
  • Gain the confidence to use data, not gurus, to make decisions

Impact Hacking:

  • Understand how web traffic relates to impact for your organization
  • Choose and implement the growth tactics that are right for your organization
  • Explore new tools for optimizing your website toward conversions
  • Understand how to build a data culture at your organization and apply the lessons you learn in this course going forward

Take advantage of this fantastic offer:

Any nonprofit can access these courses from Whole Whale University, but you must be a member of America’s Charities to take advantage of this special discount offer.

  • Not a member yet? Click here to learn more and apply for membership.
  • Members: Click here to log into America’s Charities member portal, where you can access the member-only Whole Whale discount code in our member resource center. 

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