Sarah Ford | March 31, 2015

Move Interest in Cause into Action! Register for MCON, June 24-25

On June 24-25, in Chicago and online, corporate, cause and public leaders from all across the country will come together for MCON 2015, one of the country’s premier conferences on creating and building movements for causes.

You’ll want to attend MCON if you are a:

  • Cause marketer looking to build an effective platform to move individuals from cause enthusiasm to action.
  • Cause leader seeking to change the culture of your organization to enhance current methods of involvement for greater engagement by a new generation of cause enthusiast.
  • Cause enthusiast looking to embark on a new personal journey of social good that you haven’t yet defined.

From Millennials who grew up with the notion that helping others is a responsibility to Boomers harnessing technology to increase their power to make a difference, one thing is certain: Society today is filled with cause enthusiasts.  But what good is all this enthusiasm doing?   This is where MCON plays a crucial role.

MCON’s two-day learning experience is designed to help causes and those interested in social good understand the complexities of today’s cause enthusiasts and how to move them into becoming cause activists.

America’s Charities was among the 50,000 people who attended last year’s MCON conference and we’ll be among those in attendance this year as well.  Whether you can make it to Chicago, or prefer to attend the conference virtually, we encourage employers and nonprofits alike to join us.  Attendees will leave with a strong grasp of how today’s causes must respond to the growing trend of social do-gooders who want to donate their time, skill and passion, and how best to convert that interest into action.

Leading up to this fantastic event, we will be highlighting some of this year’s MCON 2015 speakers and will share insights and ideas for companies on how they can get the most out of attending this conference. To receive those updates, check our news section regularly and/or subscribe to our newsletter

>> Learn More & Register for MCON 2015

Spread the Word!


Move interest in #cause into action! Join @AmerCharities in attending #MCON Jun 24-25 w/ @achieve_consult


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