Sarah Ford | March 10, 2014
For More Than 400,000 Americans Living With MS, MSAA’s Programs & Services are Vital
There are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States, each playing a crucial role in lives and social issues across the country and around the world. With so many charities, how does anyone know who to support and why? The purpose of this blog is to help you discover and connect with some of America’s most trusted 501c3 nonprofits, so you can become more informed and invest your support in charities that are making a significant impact and changing lives everyday.
Featured Charity: Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA)
March is MS Awareness Month! To help you learn more about MS and discover ways to get involved and raise awareness about this disease, we’re featuring a leading resource for the entire multiple sclerosis (MS) community: the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA). Improving lives today through vital services and support, MSAA provides a wide-range of free programs and services, including:
- A toll-free Helpline and online chat feature with professional consultants
- Publications, including The Motivator magazine, and the annual MS Research Update
- A dynamic website,, providing easy access to vital information, resources, and tools right from your desktop, mobile phone, or tablet
- Safety and mobility equipment distribution
- Cooling accessories for heat-sensitive individuals
- Educational events held all across the country
With more than 400,000 Americans currently living with MS, it is crucial that they have access to information and support that will help them throughout the ever-changing course of this disease.
Why is your help so vital?
MSAA serves as a vital resource providing free services and programs that are improving lives today for many within the MS community. MSAA depends on the generosity of our donors and corporate sponsors to continue to make a real and measurable impact for the individuals we serve.
Here is an example of just some of the ways MSAA has helped the MS community in the past fiscal year.
- 4,875 people with MS attended our 141 nationwide in-person educational programs
- 215,000 MSAA publications were distributed
- 10,363 people were assisted through MSAA’s toll-free Helpline
- 1,389 people received financial support for necessary MRI scans
- 3,434 pieces of safety & mobility equipment were distributed
- 1,040,554 visitors to our website for vital information
Please be sure to visit the many sections of our website,, to learn more about multiple sclerosis, see how our organization serves as a leading resource to the MS community, and to find out how you can be a part of our important mission of improving lives today! Please visit our Ways to Give and Get Involved sections for more information.
Testimonials from MSAA clients
“Thank you so much! With this [cooling] vest, I can finally go outside and enjoy some of the summer that’s still left this year! You guys are lifesavers. This is going to make an amazing difference in my quality of life! I don’t know what I would do with MSAA and your cooling-vest program.” – J. H., California
“I don’t know how to thank you for all you’ve done [re: MRI Diagnostic Fund] for me! After six years of MS symptoms without insurance, and seven months waiting to see a neurologist with no end in sight, I was able to get an MRI on Thursday – just two days after submitting my application to MSAA. Truly, I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t found MSAA and gotten such support from you.” – R. S., Texas
“I love your magazine, The Motivator. It contains lots of valuable knowledge. I always read the sections called ‘Ask the Doctor’ and ‘Stories to Inspire.’ Then I work my way through the rest of the book [magazine]. Your book is exceptional! It gives people like myself hope and encouragement!” – R.L., Idaho
Volunteer to promote MS Awareness
Swim for MS is a national fundraiser encouraging volunteers to create their own swim challenge while recruiting online donations to support MSAA’s free programs and services. Swim for MS is unique because you are able to plan your own Swim activity – either individually or as a group or team! Participants can choose to swim laps or just do a fun pool activity – we’ve had participants do pool parties and even cannonball-jumping contests! Funds raised support individuals with MS through the many programs and services offered by MSAA. Register for your Swim for MS event at
Please support the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) today! Please visit our website,, or call (800) 532-7667 for more information about our organization and our many programs and services.
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