America's Charities | June 23, 2017
Milan’s Two-pronged Philanthropic Approach to Helping NBCC Know How to End Breast Cancer by 2020
To date, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women across the United States with roughly 42,000 women dying from it each year.
In 2010 the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC), an advocacy organization committed to ending breast cancer through the power of action and advocacy, took a very bold step by setting a deadline to know how to end breast cancer by January 1, 2020: Breast Cancer Deadline 2020®. In order to achieve the goal, individuals, institutions and governments must collaborate in new ways and to an extent never before considered. Vision, urgency, and unwavering focus are key ingredients for success. But, NBCC cannot do it alone. Success also depends upon the active involvement of public officials, the philanthropic community, breast cancer advocates and the general public.
This is where NBCC’s partnership with Milan Institute & Milan Institute of Cosmetology came in. Initiated in 2015, Milan’s two-pronged approach to philanthropy has strengthened NBCC through a hybrid cause marketing partnership and Employee Give Back Day.
As part of the partnership to help NBCC meet its ambitious deadline of January 1, 2020, Milan donates massage spa proceeds and encourages customers, staff and students to purchase NBCC icons which are displayed throughout the Institute. Milan also spreads the word about NBCC and the partnership through printed collateral, social media and word of mouth that reaches clients, staff, students and families. In turn, these efforts reach thousands of individuals who learn about, and get involved with, NBCC’s educational programs, policy and advocacy work, and strategic efforts to advance Deadline 2020.
The generous gift of approximately $5,000 annually is significant for NBCC in that it directly supports their programs that help NBCC advance Breast Cancer Deadline 2020®. Additionally, partnering with Milan helps NBCC publicize their important work to new audiences. Breast cancer impacts 1 in 8 women in the United States in their lifetime. Since Milan represents primarily a female population, as educators on health, beauty and hair care, their audience is critical for NBCC.
“Milan Institute was excited to reach out to NBCC to propose a possible fundraising partnership to benefit NBCC. We chose to partner with NBCC for many reasons, such as their education and training programs that support breast cancer patients and survivors, their collaborative efforts to unite the cancer research community both nationally and internationally, and their mission to end breast cancer by 2020. Milan has held a fundraiser for NBCC in 2015 and 2016, raising over $10,802 from student salon and massage spa service proceeds and icon sales,” says Sheila Lawrence, Assistant Marketing Department Manager, Milan Institute & Milan Institute of Cosmetology.
In addition to raising over $10,000 in two years, Milan Institute invited a NBCC breast cancer advocate for a formal check presentation from the students’ efforts. The NBCC advocate spoke in a public forum to students and staff and further educated them about NBCC’s work and mission. This resulted in uniting women and men to become ambassadors for NBCC to change the conversation and mobilize the breast cancer advocacy community.
“Our goal is to raise funds to help support NBCC in their research efforts to end breast cancer by 2020 and to educate Milan students, staff and student salon/spa clients on the important role NBCC has in the breast cancer community. We want to show our students and staff the importance of giving back to our community and that together we can make a difference,” says Lawrence.
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