Sarah Ford | July 20, 2015
Your Insight Needed on Employee Engagement Trends and Expectations
As a valued member of America’s Charities, we would appreciate your perspective on the evolution of employee engagement in your company. Your participation in the short Snapshot 2015 survey will help America’s Charities share actionable information with the field on topics including:
- New employee expectations for giving, particularly of next generation donors
- The strategic role of employee engagement
- Challenges and opportunities of digital culture
- Increased demands to demonstrate impact and outcomes from corporate philanthropic investments
Please complete the survey by July 31, 2015: Your responses and comments are confidential and will only be published in an aggregated form without attribution to any specific organization or person.
After you’ve taken the survey, please share with your network across social media. For your convenience, we’ve included some sample language below.
Thank you for this moment of your time. We look forward to learning from you!
Sample language:
I took #Snapshot15! Will you? Help @AmerCharities shape insights re: workplace giving & #EmployeeEngagement:
PLEASE RT: Share your insights on workplace #giving & #EmployeeEngagement w/ @AmerCharities: #Snapshot15
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