Sarah Ford | April 16, 2013

Meet the #GivingUnderTheInfluence Symposium Panelists: George Weiner,

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On April 24th, America’s Charities is hosting #GivingUnderTheInfluence, a symposium focused on key trends, solutions, and strategies shaping the future of employee engagement and workplace giving. In this series of posts, we’ll introduce you to the panelists who will lead the #GivingUnderTheInfluence Symposium discussion.

Meet Panelist: George Weiner

Panelist: George Weiner

“Scarcity spurs creativity and efficiency.” That’s the lesson behind ‘using the whole whale’, which inspired George Weiner to create, of which he is Founder and CEO.  By evaluating the people, process, and products used by nonprofits across IT, web, communications, and networks, George leverages technology to maximize impact, reduce waste, and integrate technology into nonprofit cultures.  In addition to employing his technical expertise with nonprofits, George shares his digital and analytical proficiency with students through his position as adjunct professor at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), and also through his role as an America’s Charities Board Director.

Prior to creating, George was CTO of, where the organization became an innovator in social media, mobile technologies and social cause under his leadership. During his 7 years at, he oversaw the complete overhaul of the site twice (winning a Webby Award and nominations), and helped build a community of over 1.5 million youth, empowering young people to take action.

When America’s Charities asked George how he thinks the digital culture will transform workplace giving and employee engagement, he responded, “Digital culture doesn’t create ideas; it amplifies them.  Social technology allows individuals to leverage their own networks to re-tell the stories of causes they care about, [and] amplifies the experiences of people that run and challenge friends at other companies, adding social pressure to those that don’t participate.”

At the #GivingUnderTheInfluence Symposium on April 24, George and other experts will lead a discussion about how shifting employee expectations and the empowering digital culture are transforming the traditional workplace giving model into a more engaging experience inside and outside the workplace walls.

Click here to register for the #GivingUnderTheInfluence Symposium and to learn more about George and other panelists.

We’d like to extend a special thanks to 3BL Media and Capital Business for sponsoring this year’s event!


Register for April 24 #GivingUnderTheInfluence Symposium

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