Sarah Ford | May 12, 2015
MCON 2015 Promises More Conversational Learning Opportunities & Idea-Sharing
One thing that sets MCON apart from other conferences is the remarkable access attendees have to the speakers who come from all over the country to present on their work, ideas and causes. Most MCON speakers stay for the entire event and participate in the sessions, activities and parties, even after they’re done speaking. This gives MCON attendees the opportunity to meet and talk with speakers, adding a personal level to the event.
Recognizing how important these opportunities for the MCON in-person experience are, MCON has created a new element for MCON 2015 that promises to foster even more conversational learning opportunities and idea-sharing that in-person MCON attendees have grown to expect – Learning Labs.
Learning Labs are a chance for individuals attending MCON 2015 in-person at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago discuss ideas and get practical advice from experts across many industries. In each of these five Learning Labs, participants will gather for an interactive time of teaching and discussion. The intimate setting will allow participants to ask questions directly to presenters and discover ways the presenter’s story can help their cause or organization.
Learning labs are an exclusive opportunity for in-person attendees at MCON. Register to attend June 24-25 at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, and be sure to book your room at the Thompson Chicago!
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