Sarah Ford | April 6, 2015

Make-A-Wish® Launches Unprecedented Campaign to Raise Airline Miles

Trillions of airline miles sit unused each year, and nearly 75 percent of the wishes granted by Make-A-Wish® involve travel – that’s why, on April 2, Make-A-Wish launched Give Wishes Wings, a month-long, national campaign focusing on the unique and critical need Make-A-Wish has for airline miles.

Donating airline miles or making a financial contribution helps grant the one true wish for children with a life-threatening medical condition – wishes like Aubrey’s, who wished to go surfing in Hawaii, or Colin’s, who wished to go whale watching.

The process to donate miles is quick and simple. Donors can visit, choose from a number of airlines and enter a few pieces of information.

Some estimates show that approximately 25 percent of people let their miles expire or at the last minute use miles for magazine subscriptions or a one-time upgrade. In contrast, the impact of a wish can last a lifetime. Former wish kids tell Make-A-Wish that their wish experience improved their health and strength; gave them more confidence and the will to pursue more challenging life goals; made them more philanthropic and compassionate; and even helped save their life.

This April, supporters can donate airline miles or funds to fill 1,000 seats to grant 1,000 wishes.

To learn more about Give Wishes Wings, visit

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