Sarah Ford | May 31, 2012

How to Develop Sustainable Fundraising & Employee Engagement Plans Using Social Media

A video excerpt from a presentation by Tom Watson, Journalist, Author, Consultant.

America’s Charities recently hosted its annual Membership Assembly at Georgetown University, where several guest speakers shared their experiences, presented practical, innovative solutions concerning non-profit sustainability and offered successful approaches for non-profits and companies to better engage volunteers, donors and employees.  This video is a small excerpt from one of this year’s conference guest speakers, Tom Watson. 

Despite vast social media use for marketing and branding purposes, most organizations are still in the early stages of successfully applying social media to CSR, employee involvement and corporate philanthropy initiatives.  In this video, Tom shares an extensive list of ideas and statistics from research, along with several principles and strategies that organizations should consider applying in this era of Facebook and multiple social networks.

►To view presentations and photos from this year’s Membership Assembly, click here.

We have had valuable feedback about this year’s event and have received some great ideas for topics to cover next year.  Please share your feedback and ideas by completing this short survey of this year’s event. Thank you!

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