Sarah Ford | December 16, 2014

Hey Cancer: Do You Know Who You Are Dealing With? – Part 1

By Stephanie Klein Eisler

In March 2013, I met a man named Barry. He and I instantly became friends, partners and lovers. We were both thrilled to have found our soul mate. In addition, my education business was exploding in ways I never could have dreamt, my family and friends were thriving and my life felt close to perfect. I was at top of the rollercoaster ride of life, sun shining down, as I smiled and enjoyed the ride.

Suddenly, as often happens in life, the rollercoaster made a fast, sharp dip. In early July, I noticed a lump growing on my lower neck behind my right collarbone. Because I am hardwired to think positively, I was more concerned with its ugly appearance than I was worried about what it was. I kept an eye on it for a couple of months and hoped it would go away, all while enjoying a blissful summer with Barry. In September, I had a needle biopsy and was concerned when the results came back as “suspicious for malignancy.” My family and close friends gave me the obligatory comforting reaction: “You are healthy and fit. I am sure it’s nothing.” I smiled and hoped they were correct, but there was a voice in the back of my mind that told me something was not right. Women’s intuition is a very powerful thing.

In December, after months of tests, I had surgery to have what we hoped was a benign cyst removed from my neck. I remember waking up from the anesthesia and looking into the faces of my family. Even in my drug-induced fog, I knew instantly from their strained, crooked smiles that the news was not good. 

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