Sarah Ford | July 15, 2014

Goodwill® Celebrates Congress for Passing Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

By Joye Taylor

ROCKVILLE, MD — Goodwill Industries International, Inc. applauds the Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).  The long over-due bill modernizes and improves existing federal workforce development programs, helping put Americans back to work by revamping the nation’s outdated workforce development system and strengthening the economy.

“We congratulate the Senate and the House for passing this bill, which provides workers and taxpayers the job training solutions they need and deserve in order to prepare for jobs that are currently going unfilled,” said Jim Gibbons, Goodwill Industries International president and CEO. “It is time to send this bill to the President’s desk for signature and help millions of Americans find and keep good jobs.”

Goodwill enhances the quality of life of individuals and families by helping people reach their full potential through education, skills training and the power of work. Local Goodwill agencies meet the needs of all job seekers through a variety of workforce development offerings, including programs for youth, seniors and veterans; as well as people with disabilities, criminal backgrounds and other specialized needs. Last year…

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