Sarah Ford | July 31, 2014

Four Reasons The Poorest Four Billion Matter To Business

By Ashoka

The base of the pyramid (BoP) is the foundation upon which our global economy is built. But today it is weak. Current market practices and inefficiencies have left the four billion people at the BoP earning less than $10 per day without access to stable jobs, safe housing, formal education, public utilities and other essential goods and services. This weakness threatens the structure and durability of our entire global economy, not to mention its growth.

It doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, the BoP holds tremendous promise for spurring innovation, increasing productivity, cultivating new consumer markets, and ultimately helping to eradicate poverty, while securing our collective prosperity.

BoP Hub invites you, and your company, to work with us to design business to end poverty. We are working to accomplish this in four ways:

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