Sarah Ford | June 16, 2014

In the fight against hunger, which role will you play? Loyal trustworthy sidekick, or passive spectator?

Our future lies with the children. The young without limits. The spirited who dream big. The hopeful who envision a better world, a world where no child goes to bed hungry.

It’s a simple statement, one we can all believe in. Food is essential to all, yet out of reach for many. Without it, our children can’t think. They can’t do. They can’t thrive and they can’t dream. Kids are the heroes of the story, and hunger is their Kryptonite.

Childhood hunger is deeply rooted. It’s an invisible enemy, ruthless and deadly, maiming and even destroying childhood. It’s not easy to defeat.

Some provide food to those who need it, when they need it. Others attack the root cause. Most try to do it alone.

This is not enough. To only feed perpetuates the cycle of poverty. To attack the root cause neglects those in need today. To believe one organization can do it alone is hubris and simply maintains the status quo.

Feed The Children knows that to end childhood hunger, we need to empower children, unite forces, and attack the problem from all angles.

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