Sarah Ford | April 21, 2015 Campaign Pushes for Change Regarding Stories of Unfair School Punishment
Suspended For WHAT?
A third grader was suspended when she shaved her head in support of a long-term friend and cancer patient. A 14-year-old boy was suspended for hugging his best friend in the hallway.
Students are the victims of harsh discipline practices every day. Students of color, LGBTQ students, and students with disabilities are punished more harshly and more often than their peers for the same behavior.
Join’s Week of Action (April 27 to May 1) and speak up about unfair school punishment!
As the country’s largest not-for-profit for young people and social change, spearheads national campaigns so 13- to 25-year-olds can make an impact – without ever needing money, an adult, or a car. Almost every week, a new national campaign is launched. The call to action is always something that has a real impact and doesn’t require money, an adult, or a car.
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