Sarah Ford | September 16, 2015

Charities@Work Fall Forum: Common Understandings, Better Partnerships

Are you accountable for your company’s employee engagement, corporate responsibility, or philanthropy program? Then join us on Thursday, September 24 at the Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus in Mountain View and hear from leading experts about the trends and opportunities available to drive greater ROI from your charitable and employee engagement programs. Participate in a business and society hackathon to achieve greater impact.

The event is designed to synthesize and share actionable strategy, tactics and advice from the most recent Charities@Work Summit on Employee Engagement and Corporate Citizenship held in NYC. We look forward to seeing you for an inspiring and empowering program that will provide you with unmatched professional and business development and networking opportunities.


  • 8:00am:  Registration and Networking Breakfast
  • 8:45am: Welcome and Plan for the Day | Sid Espinosa and Kevin Espirito, Microsoft
  • 9:15am: Setting the Stage, Defining the Challenge | Chris Jarvis, Realized Worth
    Chris Jarvis is a co-founder and Senior Partner of Realized Worth, a consulting firm focused on engaging employees in Corporate Citizenship programs. Chris is widely known for his thought-leadership in employee volunteering, workplace giving and corporate social responsibility, and as the Senior Content Advisor for Impact2030. Chris writes articles for numerous sites and publications including the popular Realized Worth blog and FastCompany. 
  • 10:00am: Business + Society Hackathon | Let’s Get Real: How do we achieve greater impact together?
    Are you getting the most out of your nonprofit partnerships? Probably not. Forum participants will break into table groups to discuss the truth behind partnerships between the nonprofit and corporate sectors and consider how to improve relationships, communications and ultimately effectiveness. 
  • 11:30am: Report Out and Plenary Roundtable Reactions featuring Corporate Thought Leaders
  • 12:30pm: Keynote Luncheon: Akhtar Badshah, Founder, Catalytic Innovators Group
    Akhtar Badshah is an expert on philanthropy, CSR and international development, an author and artist. He is the founder and Chief Catalyst of Catalytic Innovators Group (CIG) a new consulting practice focused on accelerating social impact through catalytic innovation. Before CIG he was the Senior Director of Microsoft Citizenship and Public Affairs, where he administered the company’s global community investment and employee programs. He is the co-author of the book “Technology at the Margins – How IT Meets the Needs of the Emerging Markets,” published by Wiley and Sons and the author of “Our Urban Future,” published by Zed Books.
  • 2:00pm: Close

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Can’t join us? Join our live Twitter discussion using #CWFallForum


Contact Nicole McKinney with questions:

Charities@Work is a collaborative initiative of America’s Charities, Community Health Charities, EarthShare and Global Impact. Together, we work to help employers achieve greater impact in their social responsibility programs.


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