Dr. Harry L. Williams, President & CEO of Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) | November 14, 2019

Changing the World One Leader at a Time

I have always counted myself lucky to be able to work in a field that directly impacts the lives of talented young people preparing themselves for a bright future. As a former president of an HBCU (Historically Black College or University), the majority of students whom I met were intent on creating a future for themselves and their families that brought economic stability.

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) partners with these schools to help HBCU students develop into leaders. Our team identifies talented HBCU students and helps them develop their skills and leadership abilities so they can enter into meaningful and good paying jobs.

Our motto, “Changing the world … one leader at a time” reflects the underlying message of focusing on an individual to make a significant change.  TMCF focuses on helping each students fulfill the potential they may not know they have through our programs, fellowships and immersions. When TMCF helps an HBCU student succeed, we are also impacting that student’s school, family, community, and our country.

Similarly, when employees donate a small amount to a charity like the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, their collective donations can make a big impact. The process is very easy. Individuals make manageable donations via payroll deduction, and many employers match their contributions , boosting their overall level of support. This combined structure means that #ChangeStartsAtWork!

For TMCF, the scale by which we can change the world is limited by the critically important donations we receive every year.  Workplace giving donations can help us make a more substantial difference in the lives of these deserving HBCU students.

For each $1 in support that TMCF receives, we have identified another $10 in need. 

For each student that we help prepare to be workforce ready upon graduation, or for each student whom we help graduate college, there are another 17 students whom we could not help due to funding constraints.

By supporting TMCF through your employer’s Workplace Giving Campaign, the impact of each donation will yield lifelong dividends.

A $25 donation deducted automatically from each paycheck (26 pay periods) – adds up to $650 over the course of a year.  With a matching gift from your employer, your gift of $25 per week becomes a $1,300 donation to TMCF to help students.  This donation amount – equal to the cost of a candy bar each day – could support the participation of one student in a TMCF leadership development program, which is often the difference to building a sound future.

Likewise, this amount of just over $2 per day makes an extraordinary difference for students who need just a few hundred dollars to fulfill the final financial requirements for graduation and begin careers which require a college degree.

Changing the world can feel like a daunting goal – but it can actually be achieved through small actions by a multitude of people just like you. Together, with your gift of $5, $10, $25, $50, or more per paycheck, your donation to TMCF, we will change the lives of students today, who will become the leaders that will change the world tomorrow.

Dr. Harry L. Williams is the President & CEO of Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), the largest organization exclusively representing the Black College Community. Prior to joining TMCF, he was the president of TMCF member-school Delaware State University. Follow TMCF on Twitter at @tmcf_hbcu

Support TMCF through your employee giving program:

As a donor, you can support TMCF by donating to them through your employer’s workplace giving program (CFC#11691 if you’re a military or federal employee participating in the Combined Federal Campaign). Payroll pledges made through employer-sponsored charitable giving programs represent a cost effective and near effortless way to support your favorite charities.

As TMCF’s workplace giving partner, America’s Charities can help your company design and implement a program centered on supporting their work – through workplace giving campaigns, employee fundraising, cause-focused signature programs, volunteerism, donation drives, matching gifts, Dollars-for-Doers, In-Kind Giving and other employee engagement and philanthropic initiatives. Click here to request a demo and learn how we can help you do this.


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