Alison Jacobson, CEO, CJ First Candle | March 2, 2017
Help every baby reach his or her first birthday
Take a look at CJ First Candle’s new website and follow them on:
CJ First Candle is the only national non-profit committed to eliminating Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and preventable Stillbirth through education and research while providing support for grieving families who have suffered a loss. Every year over 3,500 babies die due to SIDS or SUID and another 24,000 are Stillborn. SIDS is the leading cause of death for babies one month to one year of age.
Through educational outreach to at risk populations we can reduce these numbers. Our programs and seminars outline the Safe Sleep guidelines developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics for parents, caregivers and daycare providers. In partnership with generous we provide cribs or bassinets to families who could otherwise not afford a safe area for their baby to sleep. We recognize that nurses are one of the most critical sources of information for new moms which is why we have created an online hospital self-assessment program and nurse training sessions in order to help them better educate their patients.
For those families who have lost a child, CJ First Candle is often a life line as they work through their grief. We have peer support counselors, online support groups and bereavement material available to anyone who has experienced the devastating loss of a baby.
Through your generous support we can reach our goal of helping every baby reach his or her first birthday. Your donation allows us to:
- Fund research into the underlying cause of SIDS and ways to identify those infants who might be at a greater risk.
- Conduct pre-natal and infant health seminars in at risk communities.
- Maintain our online grief support groups and produce bereavement materials.
Get Started Now:
- Individuals: Click here to make a donation via credit card now, or make a tax deductible gift via payroll deduction through your employer’s workplace giving program.
- Employers: Encourage employees to support CJ First Candle’s work through a well-designed corporate philanthropy program designed to help them and accomplish your organization’s CSR goals. As CJ First Candle’s workplace giving partner, America’s Charities can help you design and implement a program centered on supporting their work – through workplace giving campaigns, employee fundraising, cause-focused signature programs, volunteerism, Dollars-for-Doers, In-Kind Giving and other employee engagement and philanthropic initiatives. Click here to request a demo and learn how we can help you do this.
Example employee giving campaign featuring CJ First Candle using America’s Charities powered by Causecast solution:
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