Dream Factory, Inc | November 20, 2017
Be a #DreamMaker this #GivingTuesday
Many of our greatest memories are made with the children in our lives, whether it be our children, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren, center around the holidays; there is something truly magical about this time of year. Unfortunately, some families only have a limited time to make incredible memories with the children in their lives, since many children are fighting a critical or chronic illness.
At the Dream Factory we make dreams reality for critically and chronically ill children in hopes to bring relief and happiness to them and their family. Having a dream granted provides the family with an opportunity to make memories together that will be priceless in the future. We strive to give these children back a piece of their childhood. No one can take away their pain or illness, but for a while, we can help them forget, and so can you.
This #GivingTuesday make a dream a reality for a critically or chronically ill child.
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