JBrown@charities.org | April 8, 2011

Avoid Charity Scams

Some helpful tips from Ken Berger, CEO of Charity Navigator, on how to avoid charity scams.


As Evelyn Young was leaving the Kmart in Bloomington, Ill., this past summer, a young boy crossed the parking lot toward her, a rolled-up paper clutched in his hand. He came close, unrolling the paper as a form of identification, and asked Young if she would support the local Boys & Girls Club. Young, who unfortunately for him is the executive director of the Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal, knew the club never sends kids out to ask people for money and was horrified to encounter someone “doing illicit kinds of solicitations in our name.” She reported the incident to the police.


Read the rest of the story at U.S. News and World Report

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