JBrown@charities.org | August 31, 2011

America’s Charities Takes Part in the 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance

This September 11, marks the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States and President Barack Obama has again asked the country make the date a day of service and remembrance. “Once again, 9/11 will be a national day of service and remembrance” said the President. “Folks across the country, in all 50 states, will come together in their communities and neighborhoods to honor the victims of 9/11 and to reaffirm the strength of our nation with acts of service and charity.”
America’s Charities members are planning many activities around 9/11. Check out some of the events through the links below and visit 9/11.org to find numerous volunteer opportunities throughout our country.
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
At 10:00 am, on Friday, September 9, United States Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. will join Board members, supporters and staff of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, as well as dignitaries from law enforcement agencies that lost (an) officer(s) on 9/11, at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC for a special ceremony. The names of the 72 officers are engraved together on Line 23 of Panels 9 through 22 of the Memorial’s west wall. Following brief remarks, the officers’ names will be read aloud, and a wreath will be laid in their honor.
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Shepherd’s Table
Shepherd’s Table Second Annual Community Mini-Walk to Help the Homeless September 11, 2011 8:30 a.m. registration 9:00a.m – 10 a.m. walk, Montgomery Blair High School corner of Colesville Road and University Blvd.All money raised will go directly to Shepherd’s table. They are hoping that individuals, schools, religious organizations and community groups will join them.
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Whitman-Walker Health
The World Doctors Orchestra will perform a benefit concert for Whitman-Walker Health on Sunday, Sept. 11, at The Music Center at Strathmore in Bethesda, MD. The World Doctors Orchestra was founded in 2007 and combines the pleasure of fine music with global medical responsibility. Twice a year, some 100 physicians from all over the world exchange their white coats for evening attire and perform a benefit concert for medical aid projects. While their daily work focuses on healing one patient at a time, as an orchestra they promote the conviction that neither national borders nor political or economic interests should limit access to basic healthcare.
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Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, Inc.
In observance of Patriot Day, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington will honor the 9/11 victims, survivors and those who responded to the attack by holding a service event. Volunteers will pray for peace and for those impacted by the events of 9/11; assemble nutritious family dinners for families in need and write cards of appreciation for local fire fighters, law enforcement officers and emergency responders. Christ House Cafeteria: 131 S. West Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 on Friday 9/9 from 1-3pm and on Sunday 9/11 from 1-3pm.
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10th Annual Arlington Police, Fire, and Sheriff 9-11 Memorial 5K in support of the Wound Warrior Project and others
Join DC101 (WWDC-FM) on Saturday September 10 in Arlington, VA for the Police, Fire and Sheriff 9-11 Memorial 5k. Arlington Police Charitable Fund (501 C(3) non-profit) Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 6p Doubletree Hotel 300 Army Navy Drive in Crystal City All the proceeds go to 9-11 related charities. In the preceding 9 years of the race over $350,000.00 has been raised and disbursed to the Wounded Warriors Project and other similar charities.
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Please check frequently!  More events will be added.

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