Sarah Ford | May 29, 2012

America’s Charities Membership Assembly: “Great food for thought AND action!”

“Great food for thought AND action,” “Very enlightening,” “Extremely engaging – brought this year’s event to a new level,” “It was terrific, please bring Chris Jarvis back again next year as a speaker!” – these are the types of survey answers, tweets and comments we have been hearing from the more than 100 individuals who gathered at Georgetown University this year for America’s Charities Annual Membership Assembly and we are thrilled.  

Again, we would like to extend our gratitude to guest speakers, Chris Jarvis of RealizedWorth; Tom Watson of CauseWired; Kate Olsen from Network for Good; David Hessekiel of Cause Marketing Forum; Julia Kivistik of Human Truth Marketing, LLC; Bob Ottenhoff of Guidestar; Art Taylor of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance; and Richard Neustedter from Non-Profit Financial Specialists for sharing their insights and advice for how non-profits can implement successful and innovative sustainable solutions and grow their relationships with current and prospective donors.  We also enjoyed learning more about our member charity, Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia, from Meredith Magwire, along with Mr. Abraham Habteab who’s inspiring personal story of how Habitat NOVA has helped his family was a true testament to the significant role, which individual donors and non-profits play in the lives of individuals and families in our community and around the world. 

At last year’s conference, Guidestar’s President & CEO, Bob Ottenhoff, stated,

“The era of assumed virtue is over; people want to know how their contributions are being used and that the nonprofits exempt from paying federal income tax are legitimate, well run, and ethical.”

While the truth and reality behind that statement was the primary focus of last year’s conference and echoed in much of what our guest speakers presented this year, this year’s conference built upon last year’s resounding inquiry of “why?” and answered with “Now, here’s how.”



► Check back daily for the newest video clip from this year’s series of guest speakers – either check our video page or subscribe to America’s Charities YouTube channel!

Click here to view event photos.

► Click the links below to view a copy of each presentation:

Click here to take a short survey & share your feedback!

► Don’t let all of these great ideas go to waste.  Help your friends & help us by sharing this information with others.

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2012 America's Charities Membership Assembly

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