April 18, 2014
Actor Josh Charles and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Help Create Big Pinwheel Gardens in New York and Chicago!
“The Good Wife” actor Josh Charles helped Prevent Child Abuse America transform Times Square into the Big Pinwheel Garden on Tuesday, April 9, to mark Child Abuse Prevention Month and promote the pinwheel as the symbol for healthy starts for all children. Charles was joined by Manhattanmagazine’s Cristina Cuomo, Prevent Child Abuse America President and CEO Jim Hmurovich and over 200 volunteers, holding nearly 5,000 pinwheels to create the display.
The New York event was followed-up with the Chicago Big Pinwheel Garden on Wednesday, April 16, at Navy Pier featuring Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Alderman Mary O’Connor, Jim Hmurovich and Prevent Child Abuse Illinois Executive Director Roy Harley.
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