
Read about causes and nonprofit impact, and stay up-to-date on topics important for corporate social responsibility and employee engagement professionals, including disaster response, workplace giving, matching gifts, employee assistance funds, volunteering, scholarship award program management, grantmaking, and other philanthropic initiatives.




Crafting Successful Charity Eligibility Guidelines for Your Corporate Matching Program

Crafting Successful Charity Eligibility Guidelines for Your Corporate Matching Program

February 6, 2024

Corporate matching programs are powerful tools for amplifying the impact of employee charitable donations. They allow employees to contribute to nonprofit organizations of their choice,…

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How to Administer an Employee Assistance Fund (EAF)

How to Administer an Employee Assistance Fund (EAF)

January 3, 2024

64% of employees cite money issues as a significant source of stress, according to the American Psychological Association. Often times that stress can be a result…

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The Business Case for Employee Volunteer & Skills Giving Programs

The Business Case for Employee Volunteer & Skills Giving Programs

September 2, 2023

What if I told you that having an employee volunteer program could potentially save you money – say $1,000 to $6,000 per employee. Would you…

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LGBTQIA+ Pride Month 2024

May 9, 2024

In honor of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan – considered the tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States – each…

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Universal Human Rights Month

November 29, 2022

  Universal Human Rights Month recognizes the importance of basic rights and fundamental freedoms through education and advocacy, volunteer recruitment, and fundraising activities.  In recognition…

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Ukraine Crisis Relief

March 17, 2022

The war in Ukraine has become the fastest-growing humanitarian crisis since World War II. The United Nations is warning that continued conflict in Ukraine could…

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Torture In 2014: 30 Years of Broken Promises

June 10, 2015

Electric shocks. Beatings. Rape. Humiliation. Mock executions. Burning. Sleep deprivation. Water torture. Long hours in contorted positions. Use of pincers, drugs, and dogs. The very…

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Charities Intensify Efforts in Riot-Torn Baltimore

April 30, 2015

As tensions simmered down following riots that shook this city on Monday, foundations and groups here vowed to work harder to help people in neighborhoods…

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What’s next for women’s rights? Have your say!

March 17, 2015

This month we celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8 and the kick-off of the 59th UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Both of these events happen…

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9 Eye-Opening Facts about the State of Human Rights Worldwide

March 3, 2015

In 2014, Amnesty International recorded and investigated human rights abuses in 160 countries and territories worldwide. While progress is being made in some areas, the…

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Study: LGBT Adults Have Better Self Esteem, Less Depression If They Came Out In School

February 18, 2015

By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) – Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have better self esteem and less depression as young adults if they…

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Egypt: Retrial of Al Jazeera journalists must pave way to their unconditional freedom

January 6, 2015

An Egyptian court’s call for a retrial of three jailed Al Jazeera journalists acknowledges major flaws in the original convictions but leaves the men in…

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Raise your voice for Human Rights on #GivingTuesday

December 1, 2014

Amnesty International has defended human rights for over 50 years. While you can’t buy human rights, you can help Amnesty fight for them. When you give…

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Amnesty International: Ferguson police committed human rights abuses during Michael Brown protests

October 28, 2014

By Terrence McCoy Just before midnight on Aug. 19, a longtime local cop named Ray Albers trained his AR-15 semiautomatic rifle on a protester in Ferguson, Mo.,…

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Take Action: Tomorrow Could Mean Life or Death for Moses Akatugba

September 30, 2014

When he was only 16 years old, Moses Akatugba was arrested and tortured in Nigeria. He reports being beaten by the police, shot in the…

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