Sarah Ford | October 16, 2015
7 Ways to Leverage Your Company’s Social Responsibility Initiatives With #GivingTuesday
By Sarah Ford
Every company has different social responsibility (CSR) objectives, but the primary motive is the same: create a positive impact on society while doing business. This motive is right in line with the philosophy behind #GivingTuesday, a worldwide movement promoting giving, in which more than 10,000 organizations in 46 countries participated last year. Initially launched in 2012, #GivingTuesday is expected to pick up even more momentum this year and is an incredible opportunity for businesses of all sizes to achieve their CSR goals and show off their impact.
While #GivingTuesday culminates on December 3, 2019, it is by no means a one-day event. In fact, by December 3, many companies are wrapping up or have already finished their corporate philanthropy initiatives for the year.
On December 1st and in the months leading up to it, use these 7 ways (sample timeline included) to leverage your CSR initiatives with #GivingTuesday:
Whether you participate on #GivingTuesday or during the months leading up to it, there are many ways for charities, businesses, and individuals to join this celebration of giving. To help you get started, visit our #GivingTuesday page regularly for new resources and ideas from America’s Charities and other industry experts.

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