Sarah Ford | July 25, 2013
28% Brand Strength Related to CSR Performance & Employee Engagement Crucial in Creating Brand Value
CSRHub, the world’s largest aggregator of global CSR information, ran five years of their data against the data of Brand Finance, the global brand analyst headquartered in London.
With overlapping datasets, CSRHub analyzed over 1,000 companies, and for 2012 found a .28 correlation between brand strength and CSR. This seemed extraordinary.
After testing the data, running regressions and considering multiple factors and outliers, they found that the correlation holds with 28% of brand strength being related to CSR performance.
Even more interesting is that the brand strength to CSR correlation has suddenly strengthened in the last year, doubling in 2012 over 2011. Among the 12 factors in CSRHub’s model, employee engagement is crucial in creating brand value.
>> Click here to read more about findings from this research.
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